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The people working at Red Dog Blue Kat not only share company values, but are the embodiment of what we stand for.

Meet Our Pack

Inna Shekhtman Founder of Red Dog Blue Kat

CEO & Founder (Top Dog)

Inna Shekhtman

Inna Shekhtman’s life changed in 2003 when she rescued an Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane mix from a local shelter. Naming the dog Adhara, Inna knew that large breed dogs had the potential for a range of medical issues due to their size. She carefully researched how to best take care of her new family member and that led to discovering the value of feeding dogs and cats a raw food diet. Inna brings a passion for raw food to her work and that, combined with her analytical mind and problem-solving approach to the business, has helped her to create an efficient manufacturing process that consistently produces high quality-products. Her science background is also an asset, as she has immersed herself in areas of animal health and nutrition.

Dr. Jules Mantler Vetrinary Advisor and Animal Nutritionist for Red Dog Blue Kat

Veterinary Nutrition Advisor

Dr. Jules

Dr. Jules Mantler, a Mount Pleasant, B.C native  developed a passion for raw and natural pet food long before graduating veterinary school in 2005. Dr. Jules is focused on preventative medicine, raw-specific animal nutrition, while also being passionately dedicated to educating alternatives to traditional veterinary care. She supports Red Dog Blue Kat with  meal formulations for dogs and cats, customer  education and providing holistic veterinary recommendations via RDBK’s Nutritional Consultation Services.

  • Graduate of vet school in Perth, Western Australia. 

  • 20 years of education and field experience as a vet with a focus on raw-specific animal nutrition 

  • 16 years of clinical practice at numerous veterinary clinics in Canada

  • Opened her own holistic veterinary care clinic in 2013. 

  • Certified Animal Chiropractic

  • Presenter at Pet Expo, and Red Dog Blue Kat, on holistic veterinary care

  • Held vaccine titer clinics and chiropractic clinics

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