Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and everyone is scrambling to organize displays of affection for the moms in their lives. But there’s another subsection of moms we think deserve some recognition: pet moms. Just because someone’s child has four legs, paws, and fur doesn’t mean raising them doesn’t require dedication, patience, and a whole lot of love. So whether you know a new pet mom, a life-long pet mom, or a foster mom, why not use Mother’s Day as an opportunity to reward them with a gift of appreciation for everything they do for their fur babies? We’ve compiled gifts for every type of pet mom out there for all your Dog/Cat Mother’s Day inspiration needs!
For the Stylish Mom
There are the moms who are always dressed to impress—and so are their pets. Here are some gift ideas to elevate their daily outings!
Matching Bandana & Scrunchie by Attire by Archie
Speaking of dressing to impress, who wouldn’t want to hit the streets in lock-step style with their pup? Scrunchies are back in fashion, and now you can gift the most stylish dog mom you know with one that comes with a matching bandana for their dog! They’re made with a durable fabric, so dogs and their moms can rock the look year-round—but they won’t have to because this Etsy shop has different bundles for every season!
Matching Collar and Bracelet by PuppyArtisanStore
Some folks aren’t into scrunchies, and not all pets tolerate bandanas. If that’s the case, then may we present this matching collar and bracelet set! These sturdy cotton collar/bracelet combos come in different sizes and patterns for every dog, and even an option to have their dog’s name stitched directly onto the collar!
Kitty Pearl Earrings by Fawn & Dove Gift Co.
Pearls are always in style: they’re simple, iconic, and can dress up just about any look. These adorable pearl earrings with cat ears are a subtle but lovely way to let everyone aware of cat mom’s feline affections! Give them a follow on Instagram @fawnanddovegiftco
For the Adventurous Mom
These moms want more than an afternoon on the couch; they’re more interested in days spent outside, whether that’s trekking up a mountain trail or lounging by the lake—and we’ve got all the must-haves to take their fluffy children with them!
A Campsite Dog-Hitching System by Ruffwear
Camping just isn’t the same without a dog—but it’s also not the best place to let a dog go off-leash. This camping hitch system is the perfect compromise! Just sling it up between two trees and hook a dog up to the long leash so they can explore the campsite while their mom sets up the tent, cooks, or starts the campfire, all without worrying if their dog is off making friends with other campers—or worse, local wildlife.
An Easy-to-Use Cat Harness by Sleepypod
Taking a cat on a trail or just around the block is all the rage these days. It lets cat moms indulge their kitties with all the sights and smells they’ve been straining to catch from the living room window, but without the risk of unaccompanied outdoor hazards (like darting across roadways or decimating the local bird population). The design of this particular harness makes it easy to put on—no more wrangling a squirmy cat through little loops—but impossible for cats to escape from, no matter how dextrous they might be. As a bonus, it’s made with a breathable mesh fabric, so all fur children can stay cool and comfortable throughout their summer expeditions.
Dog Mom Baseball Hat by Fluffy Pup Boutique
Whether it’s a day at the beach, the dog park, or local trails, a dependable hat is necessary to keep the sun out of your eyes and the hair off your face. This mother’s day, why not give a hat that lets everyone know how dedicated your favourite dog mom is to their pup? Dog mom caps are a popular staple accessory, and it’s always fun to find one with a little bit of extra personality—like this one, with its off-centred, chunky cursive writing.
For the Busy Mom
They say pet parents naturally take on the personality of their pets, but even moms with the most high-energy pets still need some downtime. These gift ideas are perfect for pet moms who just need a little R & R!

Dog Grooming Gift Card
Any dog mom can tell you that bathing or grooming a dog who doesn’t enjoy baths—or worse, clippers—can be a nightmare, the exact opposite of the relaxing Sunday she was hoping for. A gift card to a nearby groomer can be a lifesaver: it’s an easy gift to give, and it’ll be a load off her mind to know she’s got it in her back pocket for when she needs it most.

A Bulk Bag of RDBK Raw Bones
You may be a little skeptical about giving a pack of raw bones as a gift, but we promise this is a gift that both a spoiled dog or cat AND their attentive mom will LOVE. For the days when all the walks and feather wand sessions in the world haven’t depleted the zoomie energy, some quality time with a raw bone might be just what’s in order. Pet moms can take a load off and relax while their dog or cat goes to town on a bone! These tasty treats still count as time spent together (because you should never leave your pet unattended with a bone), but the pet in question will be too busy gnawing off every last morsel of meaty goodness to pay attention to anything but the treat in front of them. Plus, all that focused brain power means that when the bone is done, you’ll be left with a sleepy pet ready to drift off into a food coma—truly a gift that keeps on giving.
For the Mom With Everything
It’s the dread of gift-givers everywhere: the pet parent who already has it all. Whether it’s all the camping gear, pet-themed apparel, or humorous drinkware, these are the pet moms who are so dedicated to their dogs and cats that gift-giving becomes a scavenger hunt to find the perfect, elusive gift. Fortunately, with a little planning, it’s possible: with a customized present.
Paw Print Kits by PawPals
This is the simplest option when it comes to personalized gifts because it’s not even something you need to personalize before gifting—it’s just a kit they can use themselves! There are tons of variations of these kits, but PawPals is an inkless, mess-free version that creates a quick and lasting paw imprint keepsake. The case even comes with a spot for a photo, making this more than a simple gift: it’s a memory materialized.
Custom Victorian Pet Portraits by The Lonely Pixel
Taking a professional-quality photo of a pet is no small feat to start with, but gifting a unique, antique-styled pet portrait is on another level. These portraits are made by a Canadian artist, and they’re completely customizable! You can select backgrounds, colours, hats, or choose from a wide variety of themes that range from the traditional (“The Queen,” “The General,” etc.) to the humorous (“The Space Traveler,” “The Hockey Player”). Your gift might even end up displayed in a place of honour in their home—it’ll undoubtedly be a conversation starter, at the very least!

A Custom Candle by Drinking Dog Co.
This one’s not a direct gift for the fur child, but it’s so cute you can bet they’ll be getting a little bit of love from their dog mom every time she lights one of these customized candles. Made in Vancouver, these candles come with their dog’s face printed on the label and a personalized, humorous quote (or you can write your own or choose one from their extensive list). Finally, you can pick a scent you think a hard-working dog mom might appreciate—they’ve got all the good ones, from sea salt and sage to leather and suede!
The Thought That Counts
Look, we know Mother’s Day is closing in fast, so if you’ve been struck by inspiration for a dog or cat-mom gift but are worried about getting it on time, remember that it’s the thought that counts. It’s okay if that thought comes a little later rather than not at all! Just grab a pet-themed card (or make one yourself for that extra-special touch) and tell them what will be coming in the mail. After all, the most important part of Mother’s Day is the time spent together—whether that’s with you or their pet.